I had the privilege of shooting the Pickett family for their 5 year anniversary last week. It was great getting to know them (Jonathan was a helicopter pilot in the Army) and photographing them. They were up for anything and very natural in front of the camera, which always makes for the best photos. Here are a few from our time at Red Rocks.
I was commissioned by College Park Youth Group to design a couple of tshirts for summer mission trips. One is for a Junior High trip to Laurel, KY. The other is for a Senior High trip to Honduras.
I had the opportunity to have a little shoot with the Vann Family down at the Broadmoor last week. We tried to get together around Memorial weekend, but we got rained out at least 3 times. It ended up working out at the last minute before Austin was deployed the Afghanistan. He is a chaplain in the military and is serving his first term there now. Thanks for the chance to spend some time with you guys. Stay safe Austin!